St. Xavier’s School, Bhiwadi is a Christian minority school established by the Society of Jesus in 1993. The School is recognized by the Directorate of Education, Rajasthan and is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education.

The School Management
St. Xavier’s School is run by the Society of Jesus, an international Christian religious order that follows the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1540. The members of the Society are popularly known as the Jesuits. The Society is headquartered in Rome. The Jesuits are primarily known for their work in education (like founding schools, colleges, universities and seminaries), intellectual research, and cultural pursuits, and for their missionary efforts in human rights and social justice. They are one of the largest educational bodies in the world. From their humble beginning in Europe in 1540 they have etched their presence in 112 nations on six continents. Today perhaps the best known education in India has been imparted by the Jesuits. More than 250,000 students belonging to every religious, linguistic and socio-economic group receive their education in the Jesuit educational institutions all across the country.
Xavier’s – A True Catholic School
St. Xavier’s is a Christian minority school. It not only gives preferential admission to the Christian/Catholic students but also makes a constant and sincere effort to inculcate Christian ethos and a secular outlook in its students. While all the students are provided with regular value education, special attention is provided to the Christian/Catholic students in imparting Catechism classes. Without exception all Xaverians imbibe the Gospel values while at school and become agents of social changes in their later life.
Our Clientele
St. Xavier’s,Bhiwadi was started as Hindi Medium school for up to standard 5 in 1993 to cater the poor and the migrant workers. However, as per the demand of industrial staff members, the school was upgraded to standard 10 and got affiliation from CBSE and became English medium school in the year 2000. Later on in the year 2010 school was upgraded to senior secondary and Today it has become a true neighborhood school, educating 1250 students from the Prep Department to Class 12. Each class has 3 sections, each section having an ideal number of 40 students.
Our Staff
At present the school has 48 staff in all the three departments- the Senior, the Junior and the Prep. Out of the 48 staff members 37 are ladies and 11 gents. A true Maternal school!
Other Jesuit Management schools of Delhi Jesuit Society
St. Xavier's School, 4 Rajniwas Marg, Delhi-110054, St. Xavier's School, Rohini, Delhi-110085, St. Xavier's School, Jaipur, St. Xavier's School, Nevta, St. Xavier's School, Behror, St. Xavier’s School, Mahwa, Rajasthan and St. Xavier’s School, Ropar, Punjab.